The Company complies with Thai Accounting Standards (TAS) in account recording and with Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS) for public companies and TFRS for Non-Publicly Accountable Entities (NPAEs), published by the Federation of Accounting Professions, in financial reporting. By law, taxation will be submitted to the Revenue Department and funding will be submitted to the Office of Social Security Department.
Computerized recording system in CD ORGANIZER program is approved by Revenue Department of all sales of goods or services, purchase of goods or raw materials, trade payable, costs and inventory transactions, ID 0176 by Software House Company with regularly version upgrading for accurate information and supporting new functionality in the future.
Income tax planning, with the difference between accounting standards and regulations in the Code, the Company will update income tax on the PND 50 and turnover in the financial statements to coincide with the situation and taxes payment will be made in accordance with the tax compliance and tax law as well as achieving the business objectives.
The Company charges hourly fees for services rendered and the rates vary depending on the types and complexity of client’s requirements.